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Lap Band Surgery: How Lap Band Surgery Is Performed and Adjusted

These days, patients have many options when it comes to weight-loss surgery. What makes lap band surgery different than other forms of bariatric surgery is that the size of the stomach can be adjusted. In this blog, Dr Kuzinkovas shares how he performs lap band surgery, as well as how he can easily adjust the band in the years following surgery.
These days, patients have many options when it comes to weight-loss surgery. What makes lap band surgery different than other forms of bariatric surgery is that the size of the stomach can be adjusted. In this blog, Dr Kuzinkovas shares how he performs lap band surgery, as well as how he can easily adjust the band in the years following surgery.
A Less Invasive Approach
One of the advantages of gastric band surgery is that Dr Kuzinkovas can use a less invasive form of surgery to restrict the size of the stomach. Rather than one long incision, he creates a series of tiny incisions on the abdomen, just large enough to fit the surgical instruments and a laparoscope (a small camera that transmits a video of the inside of the patient to an external monitor).
During the procedure, he inserts a lap band, which is made of silicone, and attaches it to the top portion of the stomach. The band gives the stomach an hourglass shape, with a narrow passage between the upper and lower sections of the stomach. The entire procedure is usually completed in about an hour. Thanks to the smaller incisions, patients usually experience a quicker recovery and are less prone to complications.
Adjusting a Lap Band
Beginning four to six weeks after surgery, the lap band can be adjusted periodically to help the patient better achieve his or her weight-loss goals. For example, if the patient is not seeing the results they hoped for, Dr Kuzinkovas can further tighten the lap band to help the patient feel fuller even sooner.
Adjustments are quick, easy, and painless, and do not require another surgical procedure. Each lap band contains a port — which is not visible through the skin. To tighten the band, Dr Kuzinkovas can add saline solution through the port. Although less common, he can also loosen the band by removing some saline through this port. For patients, this ability to change the size of the stomach throughout their life is a strong selling point.
Speak to Sydney’s Leading Bariatric Surgeon
Lap band surgery is a good option for people with a BMI of over 40 who have struggled to lose weight and are committed to changing their eating habits. It promotes steady weight loss rather than the accelerated results of other surgeries. Patients can lose up to 1.5kg per week for the first six months and 1kg per week thereafter.
If you are interested in learning more about lap band from a doctor who has performed over 5,000 successful bariatric surgery procedures, please schedule a consultation with Dr Kuzinkovas by calling 1300-551-533.